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Developeo is a blockchain startup and platform, which aims to revolutionize the open-source ecosystem by introducing a token-based rewar...

Developeo: DEVX seeks to advance humanity

Developeo is a blockchain startup and platform, which aims to revolutionize the open-source ecosystem by introducing a token-based reward system. Depending on the amount and quality of code that an engineer has contributed, Developeo will reward contributors with tokens which can be instantly converted to fiat currency on any crypto exchange. The contributed code will be reviewed by community project managers and the community, before the rewards are distributed to the developers’ wallets. The Developeo token/platform is one of the world’s most needed token/platform for developers, the industry and the investors. It is the fourth (4th) industrial revolution that operates on the Open-Source software (OSS).
This platform seeks to solve all the problems of the 4th Industrial Revolution, OpenSource & Commercial Software Development and the problems that await Humanity, with a never-before-seen reward pool and a highly beneficial revenue model along with ambitious targets; such as DEVX BootCamps, DEVX Certification, DEVX Marketplace, DEVX Advisory Services and finally the Developeo University.
The vision of the Developeo platform is to create a large developer/potential developer userbase with Developeo’s reward system and then feed both Developeo and the userbase of this platform with the models that the team will establish. Its economic model accepts fiat or Developeo Token. It applies a discount when the payment is made with Developeo Token and directs potential students/user to make the payment in this way. The major advantage in applying this in each of the business model of this platform is that a great demand is created in the market for DEVX TOKEN and that we can see ahead by ensuring that the take-back is natural and free. Each step of this economic model is designed in a way that will make everyone in the community happy and Developeo’s current models in the ecosystem all feed on each other.
The Developeo platform have a purpose, which is to raise highly knowledgeable software developers/potential software developers who are well informed on practice and on latest technologies. The Developeo Marketplace also have a purpose to make the most well-matched business offer to the userbase.
The ultimate aim of this platform is to build the Develeopeo University. The world will meet a whole another university system with a Next-Generation education model. It will be the one that contributes and creates the future! This project will constitute the most future-oriented university and the students therein will be well-equipped in all required technologies and they will be the faces of the future. All the students will be using the Developeo Platform and all hard to get-in admissions process and student portal will be carried out with DEVX TOKEN and Developeo Platform.
It will be built on the Ethereum blockchain, which will enable so many talented engineers to get rewarded for their software code contributions through smart contracts. The rewards will be distributed in DEVX tokens. There are over tens of millions of engineers involved in the open-source software community and the bigger chunk of the contributions
are left unrewarded, except for some “big brand” prizes. We believe that for the long-term health of the open-source community and the projects that they build to survive, the contributors should be rewarded accordingly.
Developeo will operate its native ERC20 token, which will go by the symbol DEVX. The token will be an utility token, which means that its purpose will go much deeper than speculation on the exchanges. The DEVX tokens will be a currency in the developeo marketplace. By making the DEVX token an integral part of the operations and user experience in the Developeo platform, the demand for the token will be naturally increasing proportional to the growth in the user base of Developeo. Thus, unlike most blockchain projects, the token demand will be driven by its actual utility case rather than speculative purposes.
Developeo network and DEVX seeks to the advance humanity with not at all seen reward pool and an extremely beneficial income model along with ambitious goals. Such as DEVX certifications, DEVX boot Camps, DEVX Next Generation UNI and finally DEVX marketplace.

Developeo: Education and Admissions Platform
DEVX network will also contain admissions and internet education in the system. Token will be applied for entire admissions. Developeo DEVX UNI, DEVX certification programs and will make sure the most excellent intensive education of advance generation in the most advanced circular will find to its learners.
A few of the top UNIs in the world is presently shoeing deep interest to work within the scope of the Developeo DEVX UNI. Boot camps, University, Marketplace, Advisory Services, Certification Programs, will be paid with either fiat or DEVX token. If paid with DEVX-tokens, a 20 percent flat discount will be issued automatically.
DEVX also plans to make a new smar-contract network for controlling the learning procedure and will also share this with people so that it’s reachable by everybody. Also, DEVX block chain will be integrated with advanced systems. Payment service directive and API banking will be the next of banking sectors expected to be applied during this year.

Developeo Block-chain Network
By distributing the rewards top the open source, revolutionizing the open source system to contribute who’re basically mining the Block-chain with their huge efforts, for their collaboration to every project. The project ranking platform will be same to the Erodos. Every project will decide on the number of rewards for the effort, ideally in the line with an open source minds along with decentralized democratic voting structure.
Developeo also rewards each user of its system, with DEVX tokens, for every open source joining on every valid project. Reward pool begins with 60,000,000 tokens and boosts each day with Developeo’s own income models, sharing any of the income’s 20 percent with reward pool. Alos when the DEVX tokens value boosted, the reward boosts in alignment.

Developeo Use Cases
Admission with the token will truly lead to a significant discount in cost. By creating token an integral role in the operations and consumer experience in the Developeo network, the demand for the DEVX token will naturally boot, proportional to the development of the consumer base of Developeo platform.

DEVX and KICK ICO Limited primary investors’ presale
Particular presale relationship between Kick ICO and Developeo to empower the actual owners of Blockchain; an opportunity to participate on an exceptional presale, which is the most beneficial part of the ICO in words of financial gain! Developeo is providing this exceptional Presale for the DEVX and KICK ICO community with the lowest rates per the DEVX-token. During the ICO and PRE-ICO phase, the costs will be much higher. (i.e. 4x-5x-6x…)
• DEVX Limited primary Investors Pre-sale Kick ICO cost: $0.05 plus up to 50% bonuses, First 7 days Bonus 5 additional bonuses up to 50% with $10,000
• Private Sale for Venture Capitals: 0.05$ lesser bonuses
• DEVX PRE ICO cost: $0.15-$0.25 (25 June 2018)
• DEVX ICO cost: $0.30- $0.40 (06 Aug, 2018)
• Airdropalert estimated DEVX Token worth: $10 to 15
• Smartcontract updates itself real-time for the present ETH/USD
Silicon Valley, Governments, Professionals, Leaders Entrepreneurs, Students, Schools & Universities, Companies, BanksOpen Source & Developers, Startups.

Author : $crypto$
ETH : 0xC6F915eDAf2656742D8E692FB45E88734B3dbbbb

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